Luigi Camozzo

Residence, studio and private collection: 
Murano,  Ve. Calle San Cipriano, 22.

Studio and show-room:  Murano, Ve. 
Fond.ta Venier, 3   Telephone: 041/736875.


Luigi was born on 21/11/51 in Murano Venice.

He began to incise with passion at the age of eleven years and studied at the Abbate Zanetti School of design , directed by Anzolo Fuga.

In 1978, he opened his own studio and has since been working in Italy and abroad.

Using traditional technique, such as diamond point, copper and stone wheel, he is able to reproduce epic designs traditional of the Venetians, Swedish and bohemians.

During these years,  Luigi studied and perfected the traditional techniques of incision,  introducing new methods and new working instruments.

These techniques allow him to create three dimensional glass objects and submersed cameo engravings on a thick layer of exquisite quality glass , displaying the purity of the form in its realistic dimension.

Luigi designs his own engravings: from 16th century stemware to modern sculptures.

   Prices quotation 1996/97

The pieces are unique or multiples made in a limited amount, signed numbered and dated.

Blown stemware : Traditional techniques, the price is from € 300 to € 2.000

Three-dimensional engravings: made on crystal blown or sculptured glass, the price is from € 1.500 to € 8.000.

Cameo engravings, submersed cameo engravings on various layers of colour, the price is from € 2.500 to € 10.000


   Showroom and sales department:

Show Room and work shop in Murano

Gallery ALVISE GISTINIAN di Firenze e Viareggio

Show-room ORLANDINI e ZORZI S. Marco Venice

Gallery MARCUS S.Marco Venezia

Bottega dell’arte di NICOLA CESTARI Ascona Svizzera

Gallery SAN MARCO Parigi

Antiquariato arte e vetro PIVO Lussemburgo

Nancy Hoffman Gallery New York e Las Vegas


   Bibliographic Note:

Catalogs of films and showroom organized by Promovetro Murano

Film di Tiziana Biasoli regista , Murano storia, vetro, arte attualita edizione 1998

Giorgio Mondatori grafica e oggetti d’arte n.24/1997 sezione vetro curata da Silvano Tagliapietre.

Demetra Giovanna Bubbico, Joan Crous, arte e tecnica del vetro.